Love The Office? Us too! Naturally, we had to celebrate the anniversary of its premiere in the best way we knew how – honoring Michael Scott with a resume! Now, let’s be real for a minute…Michael Scott wasn’t always the picture of a perfect boss or employee (despite the infamous mug!), and many times, he was straight up problematic (and hilarious). There is definitely a good bit of spin that goes into portraying him in the best light possible. A HUGE note of caution: We absolutely do NOT condone placing misleading information in a resume or inappropriate workplace behavior (unless it’s Jim Halpert-level pranks). We DO, however, support humor, not taking ourselves too seriously, and showcasing our incredible writers’ abilities in creative ways (this was all Megan Elrath, by the way!). If that sounds good to you, check out this snippet of what we think Michael Scott’s resume could look like.
Want more? Tell us who you want to see next! Dwight Schrute? Ahh, we BEET you to that suggestion ;-)
As resume writers, it is our job to take the information we learn from clients and highlight their skills abilities and achievements in the best possible light. You’re welcome, Michael…we deserve a Dundie for this masterpiece!

A few key points to for reference on this amazing piece of resume work!
Warehouse operations – definitely a reference to his stunning work there in Season 2’s Boys and Girls. Packing peanuts and a fan? High speed deliver of packaging material – increased efficiency!
Boozy lunches at Chili’s – who doesn’t close a deal this way?
We thought it better to leave out details like the incentive Michael offered once to boost sales. Remember that coffee maker? A $1000 prize meant for the highest grossing sales person? Yup, the one he bought and used, himself, to impress Katie, aka purse girl.
What do you think Angela would say about Michael’s performance reviews?
The Dundies – no resume bullet point could ever do these justice but our writer sure can make it sound buttoned up and professional!
Yet another spot where too much detail may not be your friend. No one can deny though, there was creativity and heart poured into all those trainings, right?
You know Dwight didn’t proofread, or this would certainly say Assistant Regional Manager
Have you ever seen “rule breaker” put so eloquently?
This is just a portion of what a full document would be, help us finish it! Drop your additions for Michael’s “additional skills” section below!
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